Embrace Healing: Recover from Covert Narcissistic Abuse
Covert Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
It may not feel like it now, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Every journey towards healing starts with awareness.
Embracing your unique narrative is paramount. Your experience matters, and recognizing the traits of covert narcissism is the first step in reclaiming your voice.
The next step is working through the pain.
“The wound is the place where LIGHT enters you.”
“When your relationship with the covert narcissist ends, there are several people you end up grieving:
Your former self.
The person you thought you were in a relationship with.
Friends and family recruited by the covert narcissist as flying monkeys
Moving through this grief is one of the most difficult aspects of the healing journey.
Through this pain, however, you develop an indomitable sense of self and embark on a life changing journey.”
- Dr. Z, The Flying Monkey, MD